Category: Biblical Womanhood

worth the wait
Has left ever felt hard for you? Left you wondering when you would see the other side- or if you even would? *raises hand* I…
book rec: praying for your husband from head to toe
Do you ever find yourself struggling with how to pray for your husband? I know I have. A friend of mine told me about this…

when “me time” doesn’t satisfy
Me time. Many mothers want “me time” for their Mother’s Day gift. I get it. Trust me. As the mother of five children in five…

questions to ask yourself before watching Redeeming Love
I believe I am among a minority of women who will not be watching the movie, Redeeming Love. Francine Rivers is really a great author…

when strivings cease
We are almost two weeks into the new year and all over we are receiving the messages that come with “resolutions”. I’ve even heard one…

pray for your children
It seems like common sense to pray for your children when you are a follower of Christ, right? But what does it take to really…

every wise woman
In a few short weeks, I will continue my classes in Biblical Teaching. We will be studying Genesis, and I know it’s going to be…

Lessons from The Garden
I thought I understood the book of Genesis. After all, I grew up in church. I have been attending since I was in the womb!…

Practice What You Teach
Greg is a nail-biter. I joke with him that it is his only flaw! It drives me crazy! It’s truly a horrible habit. One Sunday…

Don’t Settle… Be Patient
Greg and I haven’t always prayed together. I remember when we had two kids telling him I think we needed to schedule time to pray…