Category: Encouragement

grace upon grace
This is part two- if you are new here, go back and read “worth the wait” and then come catch up! If you’ve walked through…

worth the wait
Has left ever felt hard for you? Left you wondering when you would see the other side- or if you even would? *raises hand* I…

to the woman who is working out and not seeing the results she wants
Dear friend,You must have clicked on this link because of the title of this post. No, it’s not short, sweet, or catchy. It’s what was…
book rec: praying for your husband from head to toe
Do you ever find yourself struggling with how to pray for your husband? I know I have. A friend of mine told me about this…

when “me time” doesn’t satisfy
Me time. Many mothers want “me time” for their Mother’s Day gift. I get it. Trust me. As the mother of five children in five…

dream big dreams {life update part two}
Buster Moon and I can relate. We both like to dream big dreams. We just need matching tees. During this wild ride and praying through…

a wild ride {life update}
Another year has come and gone, with great plans of writing, that have felt like a failure. Sometimes I think my blog mocks me as…

the holiness of God
As I continue to read through the book of Leviticus, it’s made me wonder why exactly the Lord covered all the bases. Today I had…

do i *have* to read the old testament?
Have you ever wondered, “Do I have to read the Old Testament? What does it have to do with me? It seems antiquated and irrelevant.”…

what to do when you don’t have a niche
What if you don't have a niche for a blog? Write anyway.