If you want to create a blog and search up where to start, all of the experts are going to tell you to find your niche. They will give you questions and steps to discover what it is you have to offer people, who you target audience is, and on and on. But what happens if you find you don’t have an area you are an expert in? What if you don’t have a “target audience”? The experts say that you can’t be too broad; you need to be focused on who you want to reach. So what do you do when you don’t have a niche?
This is something I have wrestled with for a long time! I love to write, but when I would search up blogging, it all told me the same thing. The problem is, I’m passionate about a lot of topics: health, parenting, godly wisdom, marriage, discipleship, ministry, motherhood, Jesus, food… the list could keep going! All I know is that I love to write. I want to encourage others even if I’m not the expert in the field. I’ve never been able to figure out my niche or my audience.

write anyway
Here is my advice: if you want to write or start a blog, but like me, feel like you don’t have a niche or anything else all the experts say you need to have- write anyway. I’ve come a point where I realize I won’t get better at my writing if I don’t write. For so long I’ve let not knowing the answers to all the questions keep me from writing. Not any more!
Then, because of how my brain works, I thought about how often we try to find our niche in life. We ask ourselves what we are really good at. We don’t want to be a jack of all trades, but rather the master of one. Or two, or three. Right? In the blogging world, I feel like I’m a jack of all trades, master of none. Truth be told, I feel that way about myself in real life too! And I’m finally accepting that. Even if this doesn’t apply to you wanting to be a write/blogger, this can certainly apply to the rest of life.
don’t waste what God has given you
It’s okay to not be an expert. God has given us all different gifts, talents, and passions. We need each other because we are all good at different things. Greg has been given an incredible gift in his voice. I might be bias, but he’s the best singer I know with the best heart behind it. God has grown him in his leadership in worship. But guess what? He doesn’t particularly like the tech side of things, which works, because while I’m not the expert, I can help him with those things. We work well together and I can now see how God uses both of our gifts and talents to compliment each other and serve Him together. I use to hate that God didn’t gift me with a good voice so I could lead worship with Greg, but I see how He has gifted me to help Greg in other ways.
Don’t waste what God has given you because you don’t know how it will reach people, help people, or encourage people. Be faithful in what He has blessed you with, whatever that may be. It’s alright if you don’t have a ‘target audience’ or a ‘niche’ in life. God has created us on purpose for a purpose. May we walk worthy of the calling He has given us. May we be found faithful, available, and teachable!